Saturday, April 08, 2006

Recruiting Software Developers in Egypt

Recruit FCI or FCIS graduates (preferably Computer Science department) (7asibat wa ma3lomat). Recruit from Ain Shams, Helwan then Cairo universities. You may also recruit Engineering graduates (Computer Department): Alexandria, Ain Shams then Cairo University. Those are the best to attempt for. Make aptitude and English tests. If you recruit from those places and do those tests you are SAFE. You never have to worry about developing software in Egypt as long as you've used this winning formula. Then do the technical tests and interviews. This can make you bring an excellent team.

You can provide them with short training and give them books to read on the technologies you will be using. Remember, they love to learn and continuously improve their skills. If they feel at any point in time during their work that their skill-set is not going any further, that they are not learning something new or not improving their technical skills or doing the same thing again and again, be sure they'll start looking for work at some other place.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I don't want to seem like I'm objecting, but you can find many perfect people who can work in the field of developing software without having their bachelor degree from Computer Science Faculties, as you said, it all depends on their real knowledge, and to know this you have to put them into real tests to figure out their skills, In summary I don't agree with you in the opinion of hiring only CS graduates for the positions of developing software (I know many people working in this field without having the CS bachelor)

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Why didn't you mention Computer Science AUC grads?...aren't we good enough?...:)

  3. Sure Computer Science grads of AUC are among the best. The nice thing about them is their good English, their strong communication skills and their ability to pick up on new technology.
