Thursday, December 25, 2008

HR Management Training in Egypt

Last week I started delivering an intensive HR Management training course to FGF trainees through Talal Abu Ghazaleh Professional Training Group. It is an intensive 13-day training course held at the FGF facilities inside Cairo University.

The aim of the course is to introduce new comers to HR to the field of Human Resources Management. Through six modules, the intensive HRM training course introduces trainees to some of the fundamental concepts of HR management including recruitment, job analysis, training and development, performance management and compensation and benefits. Other topics covered during the training are designing orientation programs, writing job descriptions, c0nducting interviews among other things.

I have attempted to use an interactive workshop approach to the training emphasizing teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving skills. The aim was to equip trainees not only with basic HR awareness but also with the confidence to tackle new situations they would probably be facing at an HR department.

Trainees seamed to enjoy group activities most. Trainees were divided into groups, provided with directions and given time to work together. They produced some creative presentations which got better and more creative with each further training session. Their presentations explained recruitment processes, commented on case studies, explained methods of job analysis and designed orientation programs for actual organizations. Role play was another activity that helped trainees experience performing some basic HR roles such as interviewing candidates.

I am planning to add some tips for HR trainers later on my Born Trainer website.


  1. hi there

    i was searching for vacancies, and destiny got me here at ur blog :)
    i attended this course u r talking about, but at Dr. Riham's class
    btw i wanna ask u about something: is this diploma enough to start a career in HR, coz i sent many CVs and i got no answer.

  2. Many of those who work in the HR field have not studied HR. A prerequisite however is good English language and good communication skills. Some companies hire young women with excellent English language for junior HR positions. Through their work they get exposed to the field of HR and it becomes kind of on the job training. They can then progress from there and get promoted as they gain more experience.

    Bottom line: you do not need to study HR to get a junior position in HR in Egypt given that your English skills are very good as well as your communication skills.

    You must be aware however that HR positions are not as plentiful as other jobs like sales or even customer service. While you might open an Al Ahram daily newspaper on Friday or Al Waseet and find many sales positions, you will probably find an HR opening only every couple of weeks. HR is a select type of career and is not for the masses.

    Now that you know that an HR education is not mandatory for landing an HR job and that you should not expect to find HR openings pouring all around, you should know that having an HR certificate is a cherished plus. Since many already hire candidates for HR positions even without an HR education, then they are more likely to hire someone who has some certification in the HR field, given of course that this person has good communication skills and good English.

    Advice: Perhaps you should refocus your CV and make it sharper then start scanning for HR vacancies everywhere including online. Networking also works wonders in getting the right job so try to keep connected to the HR community if even just online.
