Thursday, November 17, 2005

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)

I've started wandering around MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) in hope of grasping the essence of it. I've went through MSF version 3 and MSF version 4. I've been to VSTS (Visual Studio Team System). I've gone through MSF for Agile and MSF for CMMI. I've read about MSF Formal. I've been reading in the guidelines, in Microsoft's view about UML and all that stuff. Bottom line: I've immerged from a lot of confusion to still more confusion but then at the end things started to clear up a bit for me yet still are somewhat vague.

Microsoft's MSF though seems to be interesting. I've started today writing a Vision Statement and a file about a Persona. I plan to start writing next about scenarios then quality of service after that.


  1. I am interested in why you are paying attention to MSF? Do you have a need and MSF is the answer or are you looking for a use for MSF?

  2. Back in 2005, when I published this blog post, I was involved with developers who were already using Microsoft technologies (Visual Studio 2005), so it sounded natural to explore MSF at that time. Yet back then, I found MSF not to be mature enough and the documentation was not sufficient nor was it clear, it was kind of hazy with no clear direction. It was still in the backing back then. As for now, I do not have a need for it anyway so I'm not interested to check back to see if MSF has matured or not or if it's still there in the first place.
