Monday, March 13, 2006

Dr Sherif, Ethics

Dr Sherif mentioned 5 mental tests that help you find out if an action is unethical. I remember 3 of them now:
  1. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. Do you find this action okay if you were in the shoes of the other person? If so, then the action is ethical, if not then it is unethical.
  2. What does religion say about this action? If religion forbids it or says it is bad, then it is unethical.
  3. Imagine this action is generalized and is now done by all people. What happens to the community and the world if this action is generalized? If the world falls into chaos due to this or is harmed, then the action is considered unethical.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Thanks a lot for your response and for giving us the summery of the ethics workshop - and it's very great to the extent that it made me wish that I were there listening to it !!!! I appreciate that a lot and hope that you are going give us lots of these wonderful and useful posts in the near future !!!
