Thursday, March 16, 2006


Zedny is one of the many entities that have sprouted quickly in Egypt over the last few years delivering human development training. Zedny is by large the most popular, and I believe, best of them all till this date.

Zedny started a few years ago by providing human development training courses such as time management, job hunting, CV writing and the like. Zedny offered low cost training sessions for a large number of youth. A training session may be attended by 200 or 400 attendees. It is more like a seminar. The large number of attendees makes up for the low cost of the 'course'. Zedny made good use of the Internet to spread its word among youth. It used mailing lists, groups and the power of forwarded emails to spread its word among the rapidly growing Internet-savvy youth population of Egypt.

Currently, Zedny is operating from the premises of Rabaa Mosqe, which is located in Nasr City, Cairo. They have an office their and they used the wide halls present next to the Rabaa Mosque. Anyone who wants to attend one of the courses pays a minimal fee, something like 20 LE or 40 LE to attend a course of perhaps 8 sessions (around 2 hours for each session). It varies from course to course but this gives you an idea of the price and time range of courses offered by Zedny. Courses focus on human development topics and topics that are of interest generally to the youth. One of the courses for instance was how to select your life partner.

If it is the first time you are attending a course at Zedny, when you go and pay for that course you fill out a form with some info about yourself (name, address, phone ... etc) and they make you an ID card which you go get it from them at a later day. If you later go and register for another course, you use this same ID card. The interesting thing about this ID card is that it has a barcode on its back, so whenever you enter a session that you have registered for, they just pass your ID card in front of a barcode reader, much like the one used in a supermarket by a cashier on a product, then you enter to attend the season. It's a cool way of keeping track of attendance in an easy way and verifying who is registered in the course, given the large number of attendees.

You can find information about courses currently available at Zedny and who delivers them at their web site Zedny (the web site is in Arabic). Those who deliver the sessions are volunteers, they do not receive any monetary compensation for their efforts. The money goes back to Rabaa for charity purposes. Al Ahram Weekly has an article about Zedny: Concept Promotion. Zedny also have a group online: Zedny Group.

The word Zedny stems from the Quranic verse "Wa koll Rabbi zedny 3elman" which means "Ask God to increase your knowledge."


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    wow you are very fast, anyways Many thanks for your helpful information, and i think that i'm gonna attent the sessions soon inshaa ALLAH, Thanks again!!

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    thanks for this useful info.
    there is a nother project that is very well presented and fastly gwoing
    i already attended few courses whichc they present free of charge in cairo university and other universities, and they are greatttt

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    thank you
    i also attended the session of leadership team and they were very helpful and practical
