Monday, October 31, 2005

Seminar Kick Off

Today is time for the first seminar or let's say mini-seminar as we've hinted upon it before when introducing the concept of mini-seminars and our attempt to integrate it into the work system. I'm looking forward to the results of that 'mini-seminar' and hope it would turn out fine. I'm preparing evaluation forms to give to attendees in order to fill after attending the seminar.

My aim from the seminars is to enhance communication between team members, give them a break from their mono-type coding work and revitalize their energy. Of course the content of the seminar itself will have its positive effect on them not only when the technical subject touches on their current work directly, but even when it talks about some part of technology which is used for developing part of the system that the developer is not working on. In this latter case, the seminar will broaden the scope of the developer and make him see the other side of the story. This in turn will have an indirect positive effect on his own work after that.

Update: I now managed to finalize the seminar evaluation form. Instead of making it in Word, I switched to Excel which I found to be a better idea. The main reason for this switch is to enable me to make calculate statistics easily from the collected evaluation forms after attendees have filled them.

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